Japanese Egg Sandwich

Luckily for Japanese egg sandwich you don’t need much technique since the eggs fully cooked. The difference between the japanese method and regular egg sandwiches is the difference in texture. The egg mixture is whipped with kewpie mayo until its smooth and in the mixture is a soft egg white pieces that gives the sandwichContinue reading “Japanese Egg Sandwich”

How to Make Chinese Fish Soup

Have you ever had a fragrant Chinese fish soup that is milky white that taste fresh and hearty with some vegetables? The piping hot soup garnished with a little bit of cilantro and add a dash of white pepper on top for the heat, this type of soup is a delicacy served at Chinese restaurants.Continue reading “How to Make Chinese Fish Soup”

Pasta Carbonara Recipe with Bacon

I’m always looking for easy and satisfying dishes and this one fits the bill. If you never had this before, let me paint you a picture. Imagine a soft spaghetti noodles in a creamy egg sauce with bites of crunchy bits of bacon folded in between every bite. And let me tell you one moreContinue reading “Pasta Carbonara Recipe with Bacon”

Chinese Tomato Egg Stir Fry

Chinese tomato egg stir fry is a savory saute dish that combines a soft scrambled egg with juicy sweet tomatoes. The earthy tartness from the tomato aids digestion and is incredibly appetizing. My mom actually said to me while I was composing this recipe, “isn’t this kinda easy?” In theory, every dish can be reallyContinue reading “Chinese Tomato Egg Stir Fry”

Ginger Green Onion Sauce Recipe

Spicy and savory, this delicious ginger green onion sauce recipe is a Chinese sauce staple for many reasons. It is the perfect pairing with a bowl of rice and the best combo with steamed chicken. In my household, I make this simple sauce all the time and the great thing about Ginger is that itContinue reading “Ginger Green Onion Sauce Recipe”

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup

Hot and sour soup (酸辣湯) is a delicious combination of spicy hot pepper and vinegar to make a delicious soup. If you’ve never tried it, this combo works really well. Whats great about this soup is the light heartiness of this soup. The highlight of drinking of this soup is enjoying the variety of vegetablesContinue reading “Chinese Hot and Sour Soup”

Egg Sandwich Recipe Breakfast

In Hong Kong, the perfect breakfast is a soft ham and egg sandwich (火腿蛋三明治) paired with a creamy macaroni soup and a piping hot milk tea. That is a heavenly combination, and if you’ve ever been to Hong Kong my favorite place to go to is Australia dairy company for their perfect soft bread andContinue reading “Egg Sandwich Recipe Breakfast”

Top 5 Chinese New Year Recipes

Chinese new year celebrates the start of the new year under the lunarsolar Chinese calendar. Each dish and food you eat over the Chinese holiday is suppose to be symbolize a blessing for the upcoming year. The many traditions varies by regions, but for the most part the whole family gathers over Chinese new yearContinue reading “Top 5 Chinese New Year Recipes”

Best Baked Pork Chop Rice Hong Kong (焗豬扒飯)

Picture this. I am 12 years old,  getting ready to eat lunch at school. Some of my friends have pizza or lunchables or most of the time, a sandwich. But me? Nope, I had a box of baked pork chop over rice. Delicious tender pork chop in sweet and savory red sauce over a bedContinue reading “Best Baked Pork Chop Rice Hong Kong (焗豬扒飯)”

Beef and Ginger Stir Fry

When I think of a meal, I always think of rice plates. For Chinese people, we always think of what dish is a good rice plate to make a simple 1-2 person meal. Ginger and green onion beef (薑蔥炒牛肉) is always at the top of the list because of the simplicity of the wok tossedContinue reading “Beef and Ginger Stir Fry”